A Weekend Painting in Long Beach

A Weekend in the LBC

Every now and again a person’s batteries need to be recharged. For me there are a few things that are better to do that than being around other creative and motivated women. A couple of months ago I got to paint on the beach, see the wonderful metamorphosis of Heyltje’s shop, eat amazing food, and learn to weld at Jessi’s shop. I was able to make a wonderful weekend fully of production.

For a brief, yet impactful, time in my life I lived in Longbeach. I crashed in Jessi’s shop and harassed Heyltje every moment I could. Both places provided so much creative energy I felt, as an artist, I could take over the world. My time there represented a huge change and priority shift in my life. The party time was fading to the background as my desire to pursue art finally took the forefront. For the longest time I couldn’t find the focus to define where I was going with my art, but being there with them helped me define my path and ambition.

Spending a weekend in California brought me back to a time when I was motivated to dream big and reach for that which was just beyond my reach. I was reminded to set my goals and build the path to reach them. To outline my plan and make a list of things I need to get there. That our time on this earth is short and if you want to leave a footprint behind you to not waste the precious moments before you.

As I step forward I have a couple more books that will be published this year, a few big art shows, and a wealth of time to hone my enamels work with a whisper that I may be getting the ball rolling pretty soon with tattooing. The world is my oyster and I am going to paint it..... hahaha


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