"Joey and the Chopper Boys" with Heyltje Rose and Rogues Gallery


On this page of "Joey and the Chopper Boys" the boys are at a chopper show checking out the bikes in an amongst the motorcycle artists. Inside each page I have tried my best to include all those who have helped and supported me along the journey to making art a career.

In the background you can see Heyltje Rose displaying and selling her amazing jewelry, bags, belts and other accessories. She has been a dear friend of mine for many years and It has been amazing sharing booths and spending long days at motorcycle shows with her. I can't wait to show work with her again at the Harley Museum Sept 3rd - 6th.

This page also represents Rogues Gallery of Milwaukee, WI. Nate, the owner, offered me many opportunities to show and paint live at his gallery night club. His generosity made a huge impact on my art career with the exposure he provided. He has done and continues to do wonderful things for many milwaukee Artists. I look forward to painting there on Friday Sept 4th from 9pm till close. Come for cocktails and to support Milwaukee artists!!

"The boys had noticed that the best of the best were invited to show their latest creations. They felt special that all sorts of new faces were curious about their builds, and lots of new friends were made. The boys were planning on what to do better for next year's show. They heard some of the guys talking about how awesome the girl was who organized the event and how much they miss having her around." 
Written by Jessi Combs

To get your copy of "Joey and the Chopper Boys" Click a link!


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